Σάββατο 3 Ιανουαρίου 2009

China Amry



Air Force (470,000 airmen; 2,556 jet fighters; 400 ground attack jets.)
Commander: XU Qiliang (57 years old, starting the position since Sep. 2007)
Political Commissar: DENG Changyou
Air Force Rank (Click for picture)
Introduction and General Information
Chinese Military Aircrafts
Chinese Military Aviation
Air-borne Force
Publications about Chinese Air Force (from RAND):
China's Air Force Enters the 21st Century
China's Air Force: The Long March to Modernization


Ground Force (Army) (1.9 million men; 14,000 tanks; 14,500 artillery pieces & 453 helicopters)
Army Rank: (Click for picture)
Introduction and General Information
Ground Force Aviation


Navy (250,000 sailors; 63 submarines; 18 destroyers; 35 frigates)
Commander: General WU Shengli
Political Commissar: General HU Yanlin
Navy Rank: (Click for picture)
Introduction and General Information
Marine Corps
Naval Aviation

Second Artillery Force (Stragetic Missile Force)
Commander: General JING Zhiyuan
Political Commissar: PENG Xiaofeng
Introduction and General Information

People's Armed Police
Commander: General WU Shuangzhan
Political Commissar: SUI Mingtai

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