Δευτέρα 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2008

Special Air Service (SAS)

The Special Air Service (SAS) is a special forces regiment within the British Army which has served as a model for the special forces of other countries. The SAS forms a significant section of United Kingdom Special Forces alongside the Special Boat Service (SBS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR), and the Special Forces Support Group (SFSG).

The Special Air Service is divided into two distinct parts:


World War II
Malayan Emergency
Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation
Northern Irish Troubles
Falklands War
Iraq War
War In Afghanist

SAS Motto: Who Dares Wins

Their most famous operation was the assault of the Iranian embassy in May of 1980.
Iranian Terrorist opposing Kohmeni's rule seized the embassy and twenty-six hostages. An eight man team rappelled from the roof while a four man team reached a balcony from adjoining buildings. Another team reportedly blew a whole in a previously weakened plaster wall. Only one terrorist had survived; he had hid within a group of female hostages who were protecting him.

Peterhead Prison

In October 1987, the SAS were called up again to stop a problem in their own country. However this operation would include no guns. The SAS were called in to Peterhead Prison in Scotland. Prisoners had taken over the prison and needed to be subdued. The SAS was the only unit at the time with the means to carry out such a mission.

The team pumped a mixture of smoke and tear gas into the building. Once that was completed, an assault team made entry. They entered the building through a hole in the ceiling that the prisoners had made. Instead of MP-5s, the SAS Team was armed with long staves(batons). The Team approached the hole to be greeted by a prisoner. Usuing a flash-bang, the team quickly subdued the prisoner. Another problem needed to be taken care of. A prison guard was also being held by the prisoners. The team found the officer and quickly hurried him out of the building toward more waiting SAS soldiers.

The prison assault showed everyone that the SAS was capable of using their best judgment for each situation. It showed the public that guns are not always needed to achieve a victory.

South America
Afghan Airline Hijacking


On March 16th, 1998 a 4-man SAS patrol was sent to a southern part of Albania to rescue an aid worker named Robert Welch.The SAS team located Welch and quickly bundled him away. The men arrived via Land Rovers and proceeded to the coast line. Once at the coast the patrol was greeted by two helicopters. One was a support helicopter and the other carried a security force. The security force wasted no time in setting up perimeter to secure the boarding. The Land Rover was driven straight into the belly of the huge Chinook helicopter. The operation went off without a hitch.

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